How the Baron of Dreams Found his Muse

By Sponsored Content This is a full and accurate retelling of how the most generous and erudite minds of our generation came to uncover sights of which others have only heard whispers, paving the way to make him the loved and desired man he is today. Read in awe, gentle reader, to the tale as…

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Cathayan Take-away!

Extraordinary scenes took place at the Great Erdrejan Fayre, and indeed across Albion and the Heartlands as the insidious Cathayan menace upped their incursions against us. On the Saturday of the Fayre, a sizeable Cathayan force appeared, accompanied by nothing less than a dragon! (Note, this was one of those silly foreign snakey-dragons, not the…

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Special Pull-out and keep apology section!

Ye Note From The Editor In the pursuit of bringing you the finest in educating, entertaining and generally damned interesting news, there are times when with the best will in the world, mistakes are made. Words are said, then others in reply to the initial word’s response, and then before you have time to put…

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Forthcoming Attractions!

The Cream Tease is happy to announce several exciting new attractions for eager patrons with full pouches.. and even fuller purses! Firstly, we are delighted to announce that with our new barman, we now can offer cocktails to our discerning customers; the Londinium Iced Tea goes down a treat, just like our workers! We are…

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Juicy Little Nuggets

TAILOR REQUIRED: Will need to be patient, long-suffering and willing to do repeat work. Ability to mend tears as well as sew new shirts to a specific design or two. You will be kept busy. Please apply in writing to Braigwen Vanya, at the Cream Tease in the Harts camp. All applications considered. *** RUMOURS…

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Weights and Measures?

A source within the Sherriff of Keswick’s office, who for obvious reasons has asked to remain anonymous, has written to the Cream Tease to highlight a discrepancy in the formality of Albion’s law in respect of the act, of lack thereof, relating to Weights and Measures pertaining to the sale and distribution of alcohol and…

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Love in a cold climate?

Lord Wyndrake, the second most handsome and eligible bachelor in all of Albion, behind only the Baron of Dreams himself (and what a behind, phwoar!) has been spotted gazing out over the wild North in potentially intimate company. Such a person must be out of the ordinary indeed to command the attention of one of…

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The Tease was extremely saddened to hear of the passing of Spectra the unicorn, also known as Rainbow-Donkey, Ronkey and ‘R to the D’. This brightly coloured creature, a long-time (and highly profitable) fixture of the Cream Tease, fell in battle during the Spring Moot. She will be sorely missed by many loyal customers, friends…

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The Press Shall Not Be Muzzled!

By the editorial team of the Tease Following the publication of the last issue of the Tease, there has been a fervour of comment upon the contents therein. And of course, this is something we welcome! In silence, news dies and opinions are smothered. At the Tease, we always encourage right-to- reply; however, right-to-reply does…

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Greggsy – Erdreja’s Greatest Necromancer!

Shocking scenes took place at the Moot, when a ritual conducted by the infamous lanky hunk of green love known as Greggsy on behalf of Londinium perhaps succeeded /too/ much. The ritual was intended to return Londinium to its rightful position as a city rather than a reef with particular architectural merit. And indeed, it…

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