Cake…or Death?

Scribed by the Herald’s Own  Anya Kneasen-Gagg The Midsummer celebrations were packed full of games and competitions.  Few games that include any sort of weapon can be considered safe, although when the weapon is poison there is always a different type of peril.  It’s a quiet killer, it sneaks up on you.  It doesn’t have…

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A Sojourn in the Southlands

Agyptus – Land of endless Sands. From the pen of renowned Adventure Extraordinaire, Seeker of Lost places, Master of the Undiscovered and Explorer by Royal appointment – Lord Phineous Craigil. It is a most curious place! The transport Circles have a distinctly different feeling to them, I would liken it to perhaps a sharp tingling…

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A Year as Champion

Winning the championship last summer had a very profound effect. Members of the Harts nation now knew my name, addressed me as ‘Sir Charlie’ and I was now looked to on the battlefield. I was taken aside shortly after and advised that I should curb my ‘headstrong nature’ as it would get other Harts killed….

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A poem, by a contributor named Anonymous

Through years of love and hate, Friend and foe were once alive, We are but what we make, Heroes, healers, we survive. We grasp at what we can; Fleeting pleasures, pleasant dreams. For we are all the same, Lords and ladies, queens and kings. We watch with bated breath, We stand together in the dark…

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Dolorous Stroke has been struck off

When Dolorous Stroke fled to Haven, we all knew this meant no good thing. His hatred for the Fae race is well-known. In travelling to the Isle of Haven and making camp, we knew that Over the course of the weekend, he showed his spiral covered, malicious face a number of times. It became known…

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The Holly King & the Oak King

Scribed by the Herald’s Own  Anya Kneasen-Gagg At the peak of the Midsummer celebrations at Caer Danon, a small party of Harts made their way to the Serenity circle, lying within the Vale of Avalon in Albion.  Upon the group’s arrival they were met by spirits.  Years of neglect had meant they had forgotten who…

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From the Office of the Lord Justice: Albion Offices, Titles, and Honours

Please note: The default gender of nobility mirrors that of the reigning Monarch and all official documents drawn up during that time will reflect this fact when referencing the Office instead of the Incumbent. Queen The Monarch of Albion and all its territories, Rightful incumbent of the Pendragon Throne. The Monarch holds absolute power and…

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The Loss of the Kingsword

When we met upon the Isle of Haven for the Great Erdrejan Fayre, we were once more confronted by the Marchwood Demons. They hailed the gate, intent on taking the gateway stones which they seek in order to open the Marchwood Hellmouth. Wyndrake Winterheart spoke with them, and told them “We haven’t got any stones…

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Notice from the Sheriffs of Albion

The criminal known as ‘Katherine Castles’ has been apprehended. After over a year of managing to avoid capture by the Sheriffs, she decided to visit the Harts Camp at the Great Erdrejan Fayre. Upon heading towards the Harts Camp, she began hurling abuse in the direction of a detachment of Harts led by Sir Brandon…

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Mistress Culpeper’s Modern Albione Etiquette

Mistress Culpeper, When playing a round of golf, it is appropriate to repair any divots one makes on the course. Does the same apply for stab wounds? Yours, Flummoxed on the Fairway Dear Flummoxed,  The issue here is one of respect for the dead and their own traditions. Once an individual is deceased, it is…

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