Fallen Heroes

Wilfull Murder of the Crystal Court. A loyal servant of the Pendragon Throne, who threw himself into peril at every opportunity to protect his fellow Albiones. He fell in battle, defeating the nightmares that have stalked the realm and harmed the people. He had red on him. Mistress Jean Culpeper of the Brighthelmstane Academy A…

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On the Rising of the Isles

Milords and Miladies, I, Erasmus Sleet, humble fisherman seeks your attention only shortly. I was abroad the waters when great calamity struck, my small boat – only big enough for myself and my Hand Mazel, a little rower but sturdy enough for our line of work. I picked her up for a small sum on…

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Notice to the Court

Her Majesty Queen Eloise the First, by the Grace of The Pendragon, Sovereign of Albion, Cornwall and The Territories, Monarch of the Sundered Isles, Lady of Lundy, Guardian of the Wild Places, Chosen of The Trinity, Defender of the Faithful and Freeman of The Isles does hereby grant notice and proclamation that, on the night…

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From the Desk of Her Majesty the Queen

Transcribed hereafter, the Words of Her Majesty Queen Eloise, upon wishing her subjects a Good Yule. Greetings to you all from Forest Glen – I come to you tonight to wish you a happy Yuletide. Though we may be far apart, let us be as one – those who call Albion close, draw close. I…

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Bad Harvests

Bad harvests have been reported across the realm, bringing even more hardship to the already hard-up subjects of the Pendragon Throne. Various municipal outposts have been receiving word from across the Duchies from perturbed farmers bringing in the harvest. Crops of all kinds have been faltering, from Cornwall to Carlisle. At the newly established farming…

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New Champion

Her Majesty, Queen Eloise, has a new champion! After a gruelling trial-by-combat which saw Albion’s best and bravest face the blade in the hopes of attaining high honour in being Her Majesty’s sworn sword, the Trinity bestowed their favour. He fell at the final stage last year to Sir Charlotte Hulce, but this year Cephlum…

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Returning patriots have yet to breath a sigh of relief as they continue to be wracked with hardship. The cold breath of winter has found its way to the nape of every returning refugee across the realm. In the Duchy of Keswick folk have been known to say, “When the snows fall and the white…

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Lord Admiral of the Fleet

In his typical style, Lord Admiral of the Fleet, Jasper Orlaine, has pulled together a mighty flotilla. The collection of ships has been assembled for use in transporting dignitaries from mainland Albion to the Isle of Sarnia, for the Court’s Yuletide celebrations. Sources close to the Royal Albione Navy reveal that the Lord Admiral’s flotilla…

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Foreseen Forecast

The Island climate of Mannanan’s realm is often temperate and pleasant. Alas and alack, however, this Albione Winter is in full swing, and the weather is looking to be rotten. Not terrible news for the nobles and dignitaries who’ll be sat well and warm in Sarnia’s Great Hall. Spare a thought though for the attendants,…

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Court Gazette

The Earl of Carlisle, Wyndrake Winterheart, Sheriff of Keswick, Marshal of the Order of the Pendragon, has been readily gazetted as a well and worthy candidate to be named to the Duchy of Keswick. This ennoblement was announced by Her Majesty Queen Eloise Hunter at Muster on the Second Day of the Gathering. Henceforth, Wyndrake…

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