moral VICTORY!

In 1114 a rag-tag group of Harts were orderd into the field by the Queen for a game they had never played. These Harts promptly went on to surpass all expecations. Today, still wanted for the team, the exist as men fortune. If there is a jugga game, and if you can find them, maybe…

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Merchant Classifieds

I have one Master Weaponsmith slot available. I also have two Apprentice weaponsmith slots available. Contact Jennifer Hawkins at the Armourer’s Guild for all your making needs! I have one Apprentice Weaponsmith slot up for grabs. I also have an Artisan Weaponsmith slot available. Contact Lukas Thorn, Quartermaster-Serjeant, Order of the Pendragon. Looking to sell?…

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Lonely Harts Club

Paladin squire, 4 months old, seeks training companion for long, sweaty sessions. Must be able to handle sword and polish metal. Stamina is a must, as is good humour afterward. Decorated Free Company Major seeks rich, elderly man with a weak heart for quick romance and wedding. Preference to men with no family. Please send…

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Honey’s Halfling Pantry

Honey’s Campfire Chocolate Cake Thanks to Mistress Lowe for letting me try this at school. It works and it is actually really yummy. Just don’t do what I did, and make sure the lid is ON the dutch ovenny thingumabob before you put the charcoal in. Otherwise the cake tastes yucky, and no-one wants yucky…

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Mistress Culpeper’s Modern Albione Etiquette

Dear Mistress Culpeper, Can you please settle an argument for us once and for all. Which is the appropriate knife to stab somebody with? Curious of West Ruislip ————– This is a question I am often asked, usually while explaining the finer points of a full place setting for a formal dinner. The answer is…

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Bard’s Corner

This Edition’s ‘Bard’s Corner’ has been penned by our very own Quex. “Hey, Harts. This is your local greenskin here to remind you that while fighting and carousing are great fun, what is life without a bit of creativity? Let’s see some songs and poems in the Herald. The poetry scene is thriving throughout all…

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New Tebron auctioned

Briar, the boy King of New Tebron, has auctioned off the governance of vast swathes of his kingdom. Once known as the Spine of Tebron, these lands saw the birth and rise of the Empire of Man, which sought dominion over the Heartlands and Southlands. Now, with Briar on the throne, New Tebron seeks to…

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Dwarven Stronghold AttacKed!

The Dwarven Stronghold, nestled in the peaks not far from York, has recently come under attack. Witnesses claim a great and terrible creature destroyed part of the hillside, and was seen to flee the area, carrying two bodies. The Herald believes these bodies to have been those of the Lowking and Lowqueen of the Dwarves…

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YorK’s dead march on camp

Once dead Harts, resurrected by foul necromancy, come in force to attack the Harts camp A shambling horde of Unliving constructs attacked the camp in force at the Fayre. A hard slog, which required aid from the nearby Dragons camp, left the Harts in a bad way. Upon inspection of a body, it was clear…

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Do you like drinking? Do you like violence? Do you like going to strange, foreign lands, meeting interesting people, then kicking their back doors in? Are you a Dwarf, or of a sufficiently Dwarfy nature? Then the Ironfist Expeditionary Force wants you! Only THE toughest, hardest, sexiest band of face kickers will do! Whether we’re…

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