The Return of the ‘Jugger Bugger’

Quinn “Killer Quick” Donovan leaves her violent past behind, and returns to court Jugger fans across Albion were mixed in their reaction to the news that Quinn Donovan, the realm’s most controversial jugger player, will be returning to court. Donovan has spent some time of late staying at a Nethras convent, battling her personal demons…

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Heroes of Albion

Deagon was a member of the Royal Hunt and had recently been appointed to the position of Quartermaster. He was also an active member of the Elven council and was vociferous in his reverence to the Hunter. Thirty of the Mackintash, well-known and beloved member of the staff of the Cream Tease, Albion’s foremost bordello,…

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Penned by Quex Once upon a time when the Egg was still almost new-laid, the urucks were not the tall, strapping, fearsome creatures that we all know today. Oh dear me, no. They were tiny little puny things, smaller even than the goblins, and their lives were a sore trial because they were so minute….

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The Unliving War, and the Choice of the Realm

When Samael, the Archon of Good, entered the necropolis of Al Qafar last year, he broke his own ward which had been placed around the city to keep at bay the evil within its walls. With that ward now broken, unliving swarm from the city like corruption from a festering wound. As the Armies of…

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Carlisle has an Earl once more!

There was much celebration in the city of Carlisle, and throughout the refugee camps, as news spread that Wyndrake Winterheart had been appointed Earl of Carlisle, by Her Majesty, Queen Eloise. The Earl is well-known throughout the city, having been based there as Sheriff since the sundering of Albion. The Herald understands that the Earl…

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A New Duke for York

York Minster was the scene of much rejoicing in the wake of the Spring Moot at Azurlon, as news reached the city that Wyck Carden had been duly appointed to the Ducal seat. His Grace has loyally served York and the Pendragon Throne for many years, as a merchant, as Baron of Durham, and as…

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Mistress Culpeper’s Modern Albione Etiquette

Deer Miztriss Culpepa, Wen one is owt toorin the fyne istablishmunts arownd Londiniyum an one is akwyrin fings wot may or may not be belongin to oneself, an one appens, fru no folt of ones owne, to bash sumone cross the for’ead an noggin, rendring them unaybul to protekt there pockits, is it propa to…

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The Tesseract Games

By Caine Karlennon, Master Mage The Grand Erdrejan Faire is an annual event where people from all over the Heartlands compete in various challenges for great fun and reward. A number of events are powered by the Tesseract a unique device of Fey construction. The Governor of the Tesseract is presently a fellow called Azazel…

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Notice from the Sheriffs of Albion

Last year, a number of seditious and inflammatory letters found their way to the Herald. They denounced the Pendragon Throne, the Queen’s Counsellors, and the Officers of the Realm. The content of these letters borders on treason, and thus investigations are underway to locate the source of these letters, and bring the perpetrator under the…

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A note from the Frozen Court

When next the Nations meet it will be upon the soil of Haven. I say this as warning not threat, though you count the fey amongst friends and allies; I cannot say what affect Haven will have upon us. It may harm us; it may rob us of our sanity or reveal our…inner selves. Yaska…

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