Juicy Little Nuggets

*** MISSING: Satisfied customers. Last seen emerging from the Cream Tease with pouches and sacks lightened. If found, suggest a second visit. (Rainbow Donkey has had her mane trimmed) *** FAST SALE NEEDED: An anonymous source would like to offer for sale 1 ton of latex adult novelties as a result of overstocking. Bulk rates…

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The Cult of the Dragon- Erdreja is Flat!

By our award-winning science reporter Algernon Q. Rump Erdreja – a great Egg, floating through the Void. Home to ourselves, and a slowly gestating giant, cosmic, magical dragon. Sound familiar? Of course – this is true, isn’t it? This is what we’re told from a young age. This is what the Watchers speak of. Why…

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Militia doing

By our roving crime reporter U.N. Savory It is our happy duty to report that the Militia year, with distinct reductions of unjustified assaults with artefact weapons upon people of higher social standing. These results will doubtless please those who have long supposed that the Militia are just a -eating thugs high on their When…

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Caledonian Concerns

By Sponsored Content Do the Bears really have a right to their independence? It seems this is up for debate. New evidence has come to light that suggests that the Bears may not have had sufficient mandate for their separation from Albion, one that has long been taken for granted and which some even believe…

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The Tease is distressed to report that Depravo Morgan, eldest beloved son of the Baron Of Warwick, has been reported as missing since the final battle of the Gathering Of Nations. This patriotic Hart, poker champion and loyal skathen is sorely missed by many, and a sizeable reward is offered for information leading to his…

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A name you can rely upon! The Tease Hails Brother Ross Pendragon As Lord Protector!

In times such as these, there is nothing so important as being able to put your faith and trust behind a worthy name. The Cream Tease greets and welcomes Brother Ross to his new role, a stout reassurance to the people of Albion that they are to be led by one impregnable to corruption, a…

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Juicy Little Nuggets

The Tease and all Albion citizens wait with baited breath to see if under the new regime, the freedom of speech which our fine nation has enjoyed will continue- Forces high in the legal bureaucracy of Albion have already tried to strangle the free speech of her press by way of intimidation and harassment. Is…

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Our Agony Aunt (for real this time!)

Dear Aunty Tease I need your advice about a troubled relationship. When I first met N I knew she was the only one for me. She was everything I needed and I dedicated my life to pleasing her. We were happy for a while, but she changed. She became a different person, the opposite of…

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Ye Note from Ye Editor

These are sad days for Albion. The greatest monarch of living memory has passed from our throne to run with the Wild Hunt, and the future for our proud land seems that little bit darker for her absence. But though our hearts are heavy with grief, let us remember Eloise for what she represented, for…

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Heiring concerns!

With our dear queen hunting Calligar on the plane of the ancestors (see our special ‘Royal Running Regimen’ next issue!) and no heir apparently apparent we would look to the ancestors for guidance! However, the inane rantings of the clearly insane so-called kingmaker have offered us an evil ancestor and some unlikely bint no one…

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