Albion, Late May 1123

Scouting report brought to nobles at court. The return to a wilder way of life carries on as the land seems to move away from rigid law. An increase in the number of Mordred shrines being found and reported has led to numerous other shrines being reported or destroyed falsely. This is occurring more in…

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The cycle of Life and Unlife 1123

Greetings. Whilst campaigning on the Lantian Isle of Sammerix, a crystal appeared calling itself the Draconic Lens. The Draconic Lens is the amalgamation of all Awakening Stones and has been appearing to factions of the Heartlands with encouragment for us to ask it questions about the world we live in. Given the changes we’ve recently…

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The Wealth of Factions

(editors note: Richard had planned to publish this book for the great Edrejan fair. After his disappearance his family have compiled it from his notes into a mostly complete version. Regina Neville) A Treaty on Eredrejan Economics by Richard Neville  My aim for this book is to give a concise, impartial, and empirical look at…

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Landed Nobles of Albion Circa 1123

As recorded by Lord High Steward, May 1123 Under supreme authority of their Majesty Queen Cara Corvidae Archduke NasebySir Brandon BarthezLord High Steward Archduke WickhamMaruLady Chamberlain Archduke LancasterCaine KarlennonThe Merlin GloucesterDuke Snorter of GloucesterCountess Clarity of EllenbrookeBaroness Kayla of EdwinstoweBaroness Tathri’el of CastlefordEarl Bennett of ChesterBaron/Sir Robert of Hereford YorkDuke Baramura of YorkEarl Kristos of…

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Research pertaining to the Bannerlord

Supplied by Ryoshi Ichinose, 1121 The Helm of the Bannerlord  “Through the mists I rode  Bearing arms to new shores  For the Bannerlord’s cause;  My path was clear.  I spurred my mount on,  At the dawning of the day,  As the sun burnished the way,  And the mists billowed and furled.  A green and pleasant…

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Studies on Legendary Items

Supplied by Ryoshi Ichinose, Spring 1121 My studies of the winter of the winter of 1120 I spent a good period in the dusty stacks of Brighthelm Stane. In to my studies of legendary items, weapons, armour clothing and many of objects of the history of Albion and their stories.  Obviously, I found many details…

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A table of elements

By the Planar Cartography Club, 1112 Neutrality Chalcedony

Day 1,460 since first comin to Cort, by Smells.

Av ad a gud time wiv the Cort after all the war preparashuns. I put googly eyes on the Facshun Tent. I put googly eyes on a round egg globe. I put googly eyes on the Hunters face (not the reel Hunter, he wudn’t stand still long enuf and orl he wanted to do woz…

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A guide to contributing to rituals

Librarian’s note: Acquired 1119 By Specialist c clinicRitual magic tutor, Mages guild of ErdrejaAn Introduction to Rituals, How They Work & What Contributors Do Rituals are a very powerful spell – so powerful that it takes a number of people and a special location to cast them. What they do can vary hugely, from creating…

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Oops: A Guide to Mitigating Ritual Disasters

Librarian note: Acquired 1119 By Specialist c clinic Professor Emeritus, University of TriesteRitual magic tutor, Mages guild of Erdreja IntroductionRitual magic is a powerful commodity in our world, and one which requires respect and reverence. As a ritualist, if you do not approach your craft with the respect and deference it commands, it will almost…

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