On the Restless
Added Summer 1124
Taken from a tome that had been copied from a manuscript that was translated from a language that was spoken at the dawn of Prydwen and Albion.
“The infant ancestors were struggling to sleep. Merlyn Prydwen had tried herbs, potions, even stories the like you would not believe. But alas, nothing worked on these young ancestors. Merlyn, after consulting the stars, sat listening to the heartbeat of the Dragon within when an idea come upon him. That night while the ancestors slept, he did cast magic over them. As the spell concluded dark forms,
nightmares of the ancestors, began to escape their bodies and swirled around the ground. Merlyn did not want these things getting loose, so he scooped them up in an old potion bottle while he ponded what to do. From that moment on, the ancestors slept soundly.
After a time, when the land of Albion were still little more than a young child, it was beseeched by a plague of creatures from places unknown even to Merlyn. These creatures drained and burned the life from this green land and the people that called it home. Once more Merlyn looked to the stars and listened to the heartbeat of the Dragon within, and knew what to do. He took up the potion bottle containing the nightmares and a statue of a stag.
Casting a spell, Merlyn poured the nightmares into the stag, then casting a second magic he sealed them in, and then thrice he cast using the magical energy from the nightmare he sculpted a spell of protection that he laid upon the land. After that day, any unliving gaining entry to Albion took no more than a few steps before turning to dust and allowing the land to heal.”
This tales has pasted into myth, then legend and then it was forgotten as the Dragon within slumbered on.
The nature of who they are?
As to their nature, who can guess the nature of thing drawn from the ancestor when they and everything was young.
How to destroy them?
Again, this is anyone ‘s guess, but as creatures born of the Dragon within, as we all are, they must be subject to the laws of the Dragon within, like us.
What happens if they are destroyed?
Like anything that is destroyed and born of the Dragon within, it returns to the Dragon within to be recycled. The ancestors seem to have gotten along fine without them for generations.
What would happen if they are integrated with the ancestors?
They were a problem for the ancestors in days past and presumably would be again.
Are there more of these restless?
Presumably there is one for each of the ancestors, but they have not made their presence know or felt as yet.