Ancestors of the Tribes

Nethras Nethras is the mother goddess. She is the one who is the land from which we come. She is the blood that flows through us all. She is patron of children and guardian of the old and infirm. She is the one that guides the hands of our warriors whilst they are growing, and…

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Notes from the Messenger of the Pendragon 1106

Scribed by Edward James Importance of the Trinity Do not preach negatively about ancestors other than your own. More should be sworn to the ancestors at the end of this not less you must bring people to the faith not drive them away. Methods Preach the virtues of your ancestors do not belittle others. If…

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History of the Tribes of Albion – Solstice

Whilst we were in the Mists choosing the Trinity for Albion a number of documents were found, one was a complex script explaining how to assist those struck down by lack of faith whilst within the mists. The remainder of the documents used a simple script, but encompassed many mant pages. Cawd compiled these documents…

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The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar are an order of knights that serve as the militant arm of the Church of the Architect. Tenets and Vows Although the basic tenants of the order are based around the three oaths of chastity, poverty, and obedience, some other lesser known tenants also exist. When joining the order a Templar swears……

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Reports concerning the quest into the Mists and the choice of Albion’s new Trinity The Choosing of the Trinity of Albion. 1106, one month before the Cataclysm Our entire party lost each other on the way into the Mists, emerging in small groups alone and lost. We all encountered figures then looming out of the…

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The Sylvan Perspective on Ancestors

Please note that the opinions below are not all mine, but rather a simplification of theories and beliefs held by many different Sylvan people. Cathanaleith The Lady Galantir Incantation is a method we have long been interested in understanding. It is clear that the power drawn comes through some third party, the ‘ancestor’ as it…

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Sir Gawain

This story was found in paperwork held by an old librarian in the region of Penross in 1110. My Story I tell to you now is a secret I commend to the Hunter to be revealed when it is the time of man again and that they need to understand from whence they came. I…

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Tenets of the Hunter

Librarians note: Research suggests that these tenets are not adhered to by all followers of the Hunter, although they were adopted by The Order of the Stag. They have been transcribed in variant forms since 1108 with some differences introduced from time to time. Two common transcriptions follow. Rumour has it that Sir Gawain has…

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