The Formation of The Harts Faction

At the beginning of the Gathering of 1094, held in Erin, the Harts did not exist as a Faction. The Lions most certainly did. The Lions were led by Lord General Corvus of House Corvidae. He was the leader of the Council of Lords General set up to rule Albion in the continuing absence of…

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Gathering Charter Winter 1102

Preamble: This charter is binding upon any nation who is a signatory of the charter, and shall be considered part of the law of that nation. No law of a signatory nation may create exceptions or direct contradictions to the stipulations of this charter. Definitions: Nation – Any group of sentient beings in posession of…

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Decree of Succession

Decree of Succession By Royal Decree I, Elspeth, Queen of Albion, following the death of my only son and heir Elias Karlennon, do hereby name Alisha, daughter of Jasper Karlennon heir to the throne of Albion until such time as Elspeth, Queen of Albion shall give birth to an heir of her own. Should Alisha…

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To Arms, Albion

30th day of November 1098 To all loyal Harts, Let it be known that Katherine, pretender to the Unseelie Throne of Albion has, upon the occasion of the Open Grand Council, declared that a state of War be in existence between her minions and the Realm of Albion. As token of her earnest, her forces…

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Concerning a Message from the Summerlands

Heinrich von Alfeld Ladies and Gentlemen of Albion, I would like to firstly express my admiration for all those with whom I had the honour to serve whilst in the Summerlands. Odd thought it may sound, it was a genuine pleasure to work with such consummate professionals. To my own “claw”, and I hope I…

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Laws of Albion

transcribed by Justinian The Basis of the Laws of Albion The Pendragon Throne and Albion are One. All that the Pendragon Throne does is for the Good of Albion. Therefore the Pendragon Throne is the Law of Albion. As such any person acting with the direct authority of the Pendragon Throne is considered subject only…

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A piece of an Enforcer Record

Classified report for the eyes of golden harp command only, continuing to read this document will lead to the omega sanction. Agent XI enforcer centurion Morten first month CCCLVIII A.P Acting on information received from the Lios Alfar contact. Prepared ambush at circle CXIV as to standard procedure. Lost IX agents in the first XX…

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A Declaration of Rashuk from the Veil on Goza

"Know then that you are the false and deceitful creatures spoken of in the story. You have swayed us with false words and broken promises, now you will pay the price. You have taken what is ours by right. By right of creation, by right of ownership. You have partaken of forbidden knowledge; secrets of…

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