The Last Will and Testament of Queen Eloise the First

I, Queen Eloise the First, by the Grace of The Pendragon, Sovereign of Albion, Cornwall and The Territories, Monarch of the Sundered Isles, Lady of Lundy, Guardian of the Wild Places, Chosen of The Trinity, Defender of the Faithful and Freeman of The Isles, declare this to be my only Will and Testament and do…

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The Wild Hunt

It has come to the attention of the Royal Huntsman that there have been instances of the Wild Hunt being mentioned by creatures that claim to be following Calligar. It was felt pertinent by myself that the populace be informed of the rules regarding a Wild Hunt due to the fact that the Wild Hunt…

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Court Gazette – Summer Moot 1116

His Grace, the Duke of Gloucester, has been given leave by the Pendragon Throne to make an appointment to the Earldom of Ellenbrooke. To this position he has appointed Dame Foxxeglove Lanata, of the Hunters, who has served the Realm of Albion as Lady Ambassador and as Lady-in-Waiting to Her Majesty the Queen. This has…

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Legal Precedent – Assassination

Assassination Clarification of the status of the Stewards Guild, 1099 At the Harts Grand Council of 1099, Lerianneth Penhaligon of House Karlennon petitioned the Throne to clarify a matter of Albion Law; namely, the status of the Stewards Guild and their rights within Albion when carrying out the business of assassination. Her Majesty, Elspeth clarified…

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A Treaty between Queen Elspeth of Albion and Lord Richard of the Seelie Court

Tenets (10 of them) 1. Lord Richard will dispatch 1,000 (one thousand) of his fae troops to Winchester. They will stay until the fall. 2. The overall commander of Lord Richard’s troops will report directly to Queen Elspeth. She may deploy them as she sees fit. They will decide the method of carrying out her…

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The Proclamation of the Fallen Hart

“That upon the third day of April, 1105 AF, at Winchester ritual circle, Her Royal Majesty, The Queen of Albion, Elspeth Pendragon of the Harts, was struck down and vilely murdered, by a group of depraved, vicious treacherous creatures, an event to which many subjects of Her Royal Majesty and allies of Albion did witness…

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Legal Precedent

Assassination Clarification of the status of the Stewards Guild, 1099 At the Harts Grand Council of 1099, Lerianneth Penhaligon of House Karlennon petitioned the Throne to clarify a matter of Albion Law; namely, the status of the Stewards Guild and their rights within Albion when carrying out the business of assassination. Her Majesty, Elspeth clarified…

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Ori’s Bond

Ori’s Bond A copy of the bond for Hopscotch of the Flight Ori, Senior aid to Master Sly Your offer to stand bond for the safe return for Hopscotch of the Flight is acceptable to the Crown under the following terms. A copy of this agreement will be kept on record in the college of…

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Jugga – the sport of kings

Whilst the sport of Jugger has no official rules or governing body, the extremely reasonable Mr Esmund Walker of the Vipers Faction is a leading proponet of unifying the sport and also a tireless campaigner for fair play. Appalled by many people’s apparent ignorance of (or wilful disregard for) the rules of Jugger, Mr Walker…

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Upon Matters Arising at the Heartland Games of 1099

First day of June, 1099 A.F. Proclamation A trial was held at the Heartland Games of 1099 of William Penhaligon of Caer Pendrinn. He was charged with Treason by Lord Benedict Karlennon for the offence of striking a superior officer at a time of war. He pleaded guilt, and due to mitigating circumstances was sentenced…

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