Protector of the Realm
It was the wish of Her Late Majesty, as directed both in person and by the means of Her Last Will and Testament, Executed by Isaac Hulce, the Lord Counsel, that Sir Ross Pendragon, Lord General of House Pendragon, and Arch-Duke of Naseby, should lead Albion until such time as the True Heir to Arthur’s Line is revealed.
In the immediate aftermath of the death of Her Late Majesty, the Royal Council assumed control of Albion.
On the morning following, the Royal Council met to ratify the request of Her Late Majesty that Sir Ross Pendragon should lead the Realm. After some deliberation it was unanimously ratified by the Council that Sir Ross Pendragon should assume the title Lord Protector and Steward of Albion.
A legal provision, witnessed by the Lord Counsel and the Lord Justice, was instigated that, on the unanimous agreement of the Council, should a time come when the Council felt Sir Ross Pendragon is not fit to hold office of Lord Protector, he may be removed from that position, but not from the position of Arch-Duke of Naseby.
The Lord Counsel pointed out that, as the Council ruled only temporarily and informally, and had no legitimate legal powers, this could not be enforced without the agreement of the Lord Protector.
To this, for the Good of the Realm, the Lord Protector magnanimously assented, and note was made by the Lord Justice that this was now the legal recourse for such matters.
In summary, in accordance with the Will of Her Late Majesty, the Royal Council, on behalf of the People of Albion, have duly ratified the leadership of Sir Ross Pendragon, and have accorded him the titles Lord Protector and Steward of Albion.
May the Trinity guard and guide him, bless all his undertakings, and aid him in all that he does for the Land, the People, and the Spirit of Albion.
Albion Prevails.