A Call to Arms

By the friendship and fealty we have for one another, I, Wyndrake Winterheart, as Marshal of the Order of the Pendragon, do hereby request and require the arms and aid of our friends and allies across the Realm of Albion.
A Sister of the Order of the Pendragon has been taken against her will by her enemy, and we shall not stand for this.
We shall undertake this Call to Arms from the Dwarves of Erdreja, in order to make safe our sister, Pebble, who has been a sworn member of the Order of the Pendragon.
The Order of the Pendragon requests and requires the arms and aid of our fellows of the Trinity, the Order of the Stag, and the Order of the Crow, and of any force and individual of Albion who would march with us in this endeavour.
If you would march with us upon this quest, I pray you make yourself known to the Order when next we meet.
Strength through Unity.
In Faith and Servitude,
Wyndrake Winterheart
Marshal of the Order of the Pendragon