A report on the Conclave of Mages by Dargon 1105

I arrived after dark on the Friday of the conclave, it was a short walk from the circle up to the stables where I was directed. It appears that one of aben’s experiments had gone slightly awry and he felt it would be safer for all if we were put up in the stables. There…

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A report from the Emperor’s first appearance

The Emperor – Josharim II A Liche. *Was* a Tebronian Emperor, but it wasn’t Tebron himself. One of the later ones, maybe. If he’s a liche, he’s a very powerful one, his weakest followers could only be dismissed by a very large incantor wedge. He could also apparently use mind affecting magics on Scullion although…

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A piece of an Enforcer Record

Classified report for the eyes of golden harp command only, continuing to read this document will lead to the omega sanction. Agent XI enforcer centurion Morten first month CCCLVIII A.P Acting on information received from the Lios Alfar contact. Prepared ambush at circle CXIV as to standard procedure. Lost IX agents in the first XX…

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A List of Threats

Katerina, Current Threats 1. Strong Ones – Last seen possessing Iver Elves at Green and Pleasant. 2. Marchwood – Elves upset over a forged letter by Finn and Ripper (one of many forged letters over the past year – probably Empire?) and the Old Thing in the crypt as in Hunter Stryker’s report 3. Empire…

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A Jaunt with the Healers – Torvell

The Healers’ Guild was visited by Yaris, a member of the resistance on Elvas, who bore a report of Gogul’s activities on the island. Apparently, six vampires led by a banshee, performed some form of ceremony involving a demonic looking skull. The point of not was that they were chanting in the name of Satun….

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A Cornishman Abroad

an account by Rowan Heartwood The news was rife through my village. Me and my mates decided that we would make our way to Rutterkin’s wood to see what was going on. That’s were we met General Tarn, the new Duke of Cornwall. Us Cornish lads don’t usually see much else apart fron the sea…

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1094 AF, A Diary of Events

Sir Huw de Grognard These are the events recorded at the time by a Knight of Albion in the service of the Duke of Gloucester until his death and then a Vassal Knight in the service of the Countess of Shrewsbury. These are as accurate as one poor man can make them. 25th February 1094…

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1095 – A Diary of Events

Sir Huw de Grognard These are the events recorded at the time by a Vassal Knight in the service of the Countess of Shrewsbury until he was created the Steward of Huntingdon by Lord Calin. These are as accurate as one poor man can make them. 5th January 1095 AF Corvus has not handed over…

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The York Council 1104

This is my report on the proceedings of the council. I include here only those issues with which I was involved. I have tried to set down everything that I can remember, but if there are any gaps then I apologise. If any have any queries relating to these issues then they may contact me…

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1096 AF, A Diary of Events

Sir Huw de Grognard 10th January 1096 AF Teespoon was sheltering in House Chreotha after being afflicted by a delusion that she was half Drow caused by the treatment at the hands of House Naxos D’Fey at the recent Gathering. It is thought that she has the mark of Loth upon her. She was no…

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