The Silver Fox

An audience with His Excellency, Isaac Bleys Hulce, Lord Counsel of Albion.

Who are you? Isaac Bleys Hulce, Lord Counsel to Her Majesty Queen Eloise the First and a Member of the Order of the White Tower.

What do you want? The Restoration of Albion by any means.

Who is your hero? His Grace, Cadarn Pendragon, Consort to the Late Queen Elspeth. He ensured one of the main antagonists responsible for the Civil War received a just and everlasting punishment.

What is your biggest flaw? My mother was a Karlennon and like her I have little time for the games that Ancestors play, as such I often forget the benefits they can also bring.

If invited to a banquet, which five people would you invite and why? Lady Foxglove and her Husband Ripper, my sister Charlotte, His Grace Theo d’Arby and my ward Elizabeth of Londinium. Because sometimes it’s best to build the fires high, light the candles, laugh, live and sing and thus remember what we are fighting for.

If someone could create a magical item for you what would it be? The Tome of The Fisher King, a book containing the true origins and binding names of all the Ancestors of Albion.

Tea or cake? Tea (with lemon) If the Trinity were to have a fight, do you think the Pendragon would win because he’s strongest or because he’s the bestlooking? If the Trinity were to have a fight do I think Pendragon would win? No, law ties his hands so much that he cannot do what is necessary to defeat his foes.

How did you do it? With extreme prejudice.

Why did you do it? Because it was necessary.