The Battle for Silverlake 1114 – Nethras, Lady Jane & the Unliving by Ma Crow

Filed by Martha “Ma” Crow Brief background leading up to Silver Lake: For most of 1114, Nethras had become tainted with Unliving and a connection with Satuun.  She had gathered up all her ‘lost’ children who had died and brought them back to her as Unliving.  As they year moved on she would appeal to…

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A Viper Perspective on Silverlake in 1114

Filed by Fama exCerebelli, Chamberlain of the Viper Nation (on sabbatical) Knight Memory of the Accord Founder of Haven A small party of Vipers accompanied Lord Protector Stavros Eranti to Bell’s Fair at Silverlake, Albion, earlier this month. Bell’s Fair is, I am given to understand, an event that happens once every twenty years and is…

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Silverlake 1114 – The Fey Situation

Filed by Lenore of The Black Hand Among all the others extraordinary events that took place at Bell’s Fayre, a word should be said about the Fey matters. Most Fey gathered took part in a trial issued by Pendragon’s emissary Mallory. There they demonstrated their unity as a race by willingly scarring themselves with Cold…

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