Kings of Teutonia

This is a list of the monarchs of Teutonia, that is, the monarchs on the thrones of some of the various kingdoms that have existed within the area comprising of Wallachia, Germaina and Italia, namely:

Gustav I: 334AF – ???
Luther: 334AF – 403AF
Mannfred?: ??? (The Fief Act?)
Georg I: 430AF (Five day reign)
Fredrick II (The Black King): 465AF-500AF Gives greater power to the Sithis Inquisition
Crown Disputed ??? 500AF – 506AF
Wilhelm (The Boy King): 507AF – 510AF
Georg II: 510AF – 511AF (or 512AF)
Wilhelm II: 511AF – 523AF
Nikoli III: 571AF – 591AF
Wilhelm III: 591AF – 604AF 14th October- The Battle of Brenner Keep. The Noble Houses are officially recognised (With the Exception of House Tepes)
Fredrick IV: 604AF – 619AF
Wilhelm IV: 680AF – 701AF
Nikoli IV: 701AF – 702AF
Manfred IV: 702AF – 724AF and 736AF – 751AF
Josef (The Blinded): 724AF – 736AF (Illegal Coronation)
Wolfgang: 751AF – 799AF
??? Vladimir II (III): King in 807AF (According to the church writings House Kruger)
Nikoli V: 818AF – 869AF
Georg III: 869AF – 914AF
Wilhelm V: 914AF – 943AF
Manfred V: 943AF – 951AF
Wilhelm VI: 951AF – 977AF (or 978AF)
Frederick VI: 977AF (or 978AF) – 1004AF
Lothar (The Martyr): 1004AF – 1031AF (Drowned after The Plains Wars)
Fredrick VII: 1031AF – 1064AF
Manfred VI: 1067AF – 1076AF
Georg IV: 1076AF – 1084AF (House Diamecht)
Fredrick VIII: 1084 –1094 (House Kruger/ The Cobra Faction)
Gustav II (The DarkLord): 1094AF – 1101AF (The son of Georg IV)
Lord Regent Caine (The Traitor): 1101AF – 1103AF (acting as Regent for Crown Prince Wilhelm, son of Gustav II)
Lord Regent Valris of House Ordos 1103AF – Present Day (acting as Regent for Crown Prince Wilhelm)

List Compiled (ie. stolen) by Scavenger, Archduke of the Ardennes, Baron Denial