Kephren Prophecy
From Kephren brother of Karnak son of Khet.
From High incantor of Amon Ra in Memphis in Egyptus.
This incantor has seen the future. This incantor has had a dream while he lay in his house asleep. This incantor saw things From Kephren brother of Karnak son of Khet. From High incantor of Amon Ra in Memphis in Egyptus. This incantor has seen the future. This incantor has had a dream while he lay in his house asleep. This incantor saw things that were taken from Egyptus and in foreign lands. This incantor gives a warning to all the people of this land. This incantor saw his brother leave this land and travel to foreign lands. There Karnak took on their name and fought a long battle against his eternal enemy.
This incantor saw great evil rise in foreign lands to the north. In these lands the people were tough and hardy but they could not stand against the evil. This incantor saw one with my name and my face go to these lands to fight this evil. There this person would meet with the people of the foreign lands and they stood against them. He did fight on for years and did beget a son. His son was to be called Pape and he would do great work for Amon Ra.
This incantor also saw that his wife would betray him and put his son into the service of Thoth. This he could not allow and so he slew her. The people of the land were misguided and they rose up against him but his master Amon Ra saved him from them. Beyond this, this incantor saw no more. This incantor has seen a boy end the evil of this world. This incantor has seen into the world where the ancestors live. There are those amongst them who are not happy with the people of these lands. They claim that they are no longer worshipped by the people they support.
This incantor was taken into their domain and shown their displeasure. These ancestors call themselves Tarot and they plan to walk amongst us after a sun sign. They showed me a device that they would use to destroy the people of the world that would not worship them This incantor saw The Mages who represented creation and formation. He stood opposed to others who would tear our world apart.
This incantor saw r/l s r/l n who spoke of life and harmony between us all. She also told me I would be blessed with a child. Then stood forth the Master of the Arcanes. He swore he would bring suffering on all who would not worship them once more. He in turn was interrupted by another. In one hand she held a balance and in the other a sword. She forbade the Master of The Arcanes to take any action that the people did not deserve. At this an old man who was next to me, nodded his head in agreement.
He turned to me and spoke these words ²See Justice has learned to temper her edge when dealing with the Master of The Arcanes² with this he turned away. This incantor thought he saw light hidden under the old mans cloak. The next to speak stood forth in a black robe. His body was that of a skeleton. In his hands he carried a large scythe and his voice was deep and rasping. He said that he did not mind what mortals died as they all came to him in the end.
This incantor counted twenty two of these ancestors also with them were four large armies designated cups, coins, swords and sticks. With these they would destroy our world. Amongst them there was no obvious leader but at one time or another they all took directions from one who seemed to be of no consequence. He was dressed in many colours and spent half his time making fun of the others. Several times he was called for by those he annoyed. This incantor does not know what all this means. This incantor thinks that there is a message here for the world. He also thinks that he must journey into the northern kingdoms to fulfil his destiny. He knows not if he will kill his enemy but he will beget a son who will continue his good work after his death.