Juicy Little Nuggets
A personal message (anonymous): Beautiful
and Romantic. Adorable and Intriguing.
Gorgeous, Wonderful, Enticing and Natural.
These are the signs of one beyond compare.
(Since when are we allowing this mushy crap in
my paper? -KM)
Exciting business opportunity!: Karl Morgan
and the Mackintash Trading Collective are
excited to announce a fascinating new line of
lizard-skin fashion wear and protective
clothing. We have the bodies and skins of
hundreds of culibri lizards, gathered from the
battlefield of the summer moot under contract
with the Gryphons- raw material that could
turn a massive profit with the right investment!
All interested parties should apply c/o the
Cream Tease; we are looking to crowdsource
funds to expand the capacity of our reptile
abbatoirs and buy an enormous amount of ice
to keep them fresh until they are processed. Be
at the forefront of fashion, and make profits off
the scale(s)!
Killit’s Konfections!: We are delighted to
announce that our resident reptile Killit
Wythfire will be offering freshly cooked
pancakes at the Cream Tease throughout the
Gathering of Nations; no fixed hours but just
ask around for her and we’ll make it happen!
(Killit is the small green lizard with spikes along
her head). Pancakes will be fresh-cooked in
front of you and served with your choice of
maple syrup or chocolate nut based spread at
the very reasonable price of two gold a plate!