Guilds within Albion

During the last few years the Harts have established the town of Selby as their guild town. Most guilds now have either their main guild house, or at least a presence in this town. This does not mean the town is under guild control, rather that guild politics and their interaction with Albion has been centred here. With ritual circle access to the capital Winchester it has proved a success for both sides.
Application of Albion Law
Albion does not provide any form of diplomatic status to guild territory. While senior guild representatives might be granted personal dimplomatic immunity, similar to senior faction representatives, no such exists for guild buildings. Albion Law extends to all guild buildings and their inhabitants. While the Crown would not necessarily interfere in internal guild business, it maintains the right to enforce its Laws. Any guild harbouring a wanted criminal would be requested to hand them over.

The Unliving and Albion Law
The unliving have NO LEGAL STATUS in Albion. Therefore the posting of such creatures to Albion territory WILL result in their destruction. It may be safe (ish) inside the guild house but getting it in and out won’t be. All Harts Ritual Circles are protected by Albion troops in addition to any guild guards. So it is always requested that guild send such members to other faction lands. This information should be considered general knowledge within the guilds.

Alchemist Guild Houses
Chancery (Selby): this is the administrative guild house within Albion and is where all the records are kept. Also performed at the chancery are theoretical research and instruction – it is in this place that the higher mysteries are taught. A small laboratory is attached.
Chapter House (Gloucester): this building is used for laboratory work and training. It’s in this buildings that most potions are created and mid-level alchemy is taught.
Brewery/Distillery/Vinyard (Londinium): In these the alchemists earn the bulk of their funding by producing alcohol. Junior apprentices and probationers learn the basics of alchemy here.

Armourers Guild Houses
Guild House – Selby
This new building was agreed at the Gathering of 1099 to replace the one destroyed in Winchester after the Tomorrow Court attack on the city. It was opened by the Queen on her recent Royal Progress around Albion.

Bards Guild Houses
Guild House – Selby
Considered the Bards’ mother house. Founded in 1096, its building was sponsored by the then Lady Ailish O’Donovan, Duchess of both Selby and Gloucester. She provided the money to build this first guild house. Being from Selby and a keen musican herself she had it built near her, and visited it often.
Recently it has been extended to cater for its thriving community of musicians, scribes, scholars and cartographers. Located near the centre of Selby it remains one of the pre-eminent centres of music and study in Edreja.

Healers Guild Houses
Major Guild Houses – Selby (the Abbey) & Brighthelm Stane
The Abbey of Selby is located on a magical spot. The area within the Abbey itself is imbued with healing powers, those that pass through it are cured of their ills. It is tended by a group of monks and healers.
The Monastry of the Chalice at Brighthelm Stane is the prime centre of teaching within Albion. It has a long history as a centre of healing study and knowledge. Many, including the Queen, have studied here. With the building of the Maroc Memorial Library, many other areas of learning have founded teaching colleges here.
There are numerous other healer houses doted around Albion. Most major towns have either their own, or one close by, and small houses are located throughtout the country.
Healer houses are at Alton, Berwick, Bishop Auckland, Bristol, Carlisle, Eaton, Ellenbrooke, Exeter, Gloucester, Huntington, Keswick, Lincoln, Londinium, Norhault, Nottingham, Orlaine, Oxford, Southampton, Tewksbury, Warwick, Winchester, York

Incantors Guild Houses
no information at present

Mages Guild Houses
Major Guild House – Norhault

(for both the WellSpring of Life and Norhault)
There are also guild buildings of varying size at all ritual circles. These are usually staffed by a ritual circle warden and a small contingent of guild guards.
Considered large circles within Albion, are Winchester, Warwick, Elf’s Rest and Stretton (often referred to as the Gloucester Circle).
Other circles, with smaller guild presence, are Forest Glen, Two Rivers, Marchwood Keep, Havoc, Fryston, Iver, Finmere, Sherburn Keep, Selby, Exeter, Brighthelm Stane, Bishop Auckland, Londinium, Sarnia
All ritual circles also have an Albion army presence, in addition to any guild guards. While the guild guard presence is there mainly to protect Mages Guild interests, the Albion army is there to defend Albion and prevent unwanted intrusions. They can, and will, if ordered prevent access to a ritual circle or seal a circle if instructed by the Crown. All ritual circles are considered property of the Crown, under Mages Guild management.
Scouts Guild Houses
Guild House – Edwinstowe
No information on this guild house is currently available. Records indicate that the land was gifted by the late Baroness Zircon to Sordelan, the former Scout Guild Master for him to build a guild training estate.
Compiled this 19th day of March 1100AF at Selby
Ranulf Farendon

Earl Marshall of Gloucester

Lord High Chamberlain of Albion