From the desk of Her Majesty, Queen Eloise
Brothers and Sisters of Albion – my loyal subjects,
I greet you all in love and respect as we draw together for the Gathering of Nations. How fast time flies – can it already be a year since I held Excalibur aloft and accepted the name of Queen of Albion?
So much has occurred since that time, I can hardly believe how much we have grown and strengthened as a nation and a family. Yes, these are hard times, and yes we will continue to be at war until the traitor Dolorous has been removed from Winchester. We have much to win back of our land from the uncontrolled greed of Calligar.
However, cast your mind back over this year and remember the gains we have achieved, the battles we have won, the towns that we have reclaimed. Think further back to the times more than a yearago when we thought that all was lost. Further still, remember the
battles we fought against forces that would harm us, our land, our faiths and our sovereign. The Akari, Queen Katherine’s forces, Morgana, the witch Sycerax, the heavy boot of the Empire, the Nishak who tried to corrupt Albion’s very soil. Some you will remember, others you will have only heard tales of.
This weekend our nation celebrates its twentieth year. Twenty years in which our people have prevailed against those enemies and more.
Along the way many have been lost – let not their stories perish also. I ask you all, this Sunday, to draw together where you and yours meet, whether campfire, tent, guild or field, to tell the tales of those who went before, to celebrate our heroes, alive and dead.
Our story has turned. Let us tell it.
Albion Forever.