Jugga – the sport of kings

Whilst the sport of Jugger has no official rules or governing body, the extremely reasonable Mr Esmund Walker of the Vipers Faction is a leading proponet of unifying the sport and also a tireless campaigner for fair play. Appalled by many people’s apparent ignorance of (or wilful disregard for) the rules of Jugger, Mr Walker…

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Gathering Charter Winter 1102

Preamble: This charter is binding upon any nation who is a signatory of the charter, and shall be considered part of the law of that nation. No law of a signatory nation may create exceptions or direct contradictions to the stipulations of this charter. Definitions: Nation – Any group of sentient beings in posession of…

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Durith Flanelath’s Unliving Research

Unliving ResearchThe denizens of the Underworld are vast in number, and corrupt in countenance. Our eternal war against them must provide us with some hope that we can succeed. For this, knowledge of the enemy is of paramount importance. My experiences of the Unliving have allowed me to begin to categorise traits amongst them. The…

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The Sylvan Perspective on Ancestors

Please note that the opinions below are not all mine, but rather a simplification of theories and beliefs held by many different Sylvan people. Cathanaleith The Lady Galantir Incantation is a method we have long been interested in understanding. It is clear that the power drawn comes through some third party, the ‘ancestor’ as it…

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Heavy Armour, Alcohol & Shield Walls

I’Seeyou U’Seeme These are just a few interesting pointers for all those who bought new heavy armour, have a strong body and a strange, uncontrollable urge to charge shield walls. The first thing to remember about charging shield walls is, DON’T! If you overlook point 1, being mad or drunk or both helps. Make sure…

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Etiquette – Albione names

It is tradition in Albion that people are given family names. This tends to lead to the same named being used by a family and people being named after Aunts and Uncles. They and the person that they are named after are referred to as “namesakes” and as such they were. Most people only have…

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Of Hawks and Falcons

A month at sea, a narrow-keeled sloop built for smuggling and evasion. Cabins for the crew and salt-leather tarpaulin shelters for steerage passengers. Soft-singing at night off darkened coastlines, light squalls in the daytime, sudden summer fog and parched days of cerulean hue. The days blurred into one long moment of anticipation and fear-mingled dread…

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Rumours October 1111

Water Water everywhere Rumours are rife amongst the people of Albion. The land has turned against us. The people are in despair, dying in droves. Villages that draw their water from rivers or lake are suffering from poison cases in droves the venom taking days to kill healers are over taxed their power expended on…

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Into the Woods

Not strangers these, but faces known, at least to some. The man had the appearance of Thomas Wychwood, that scion of an unchancy clan of dream-mages and courtly illusionists, and the woman his sister, her face bright and hair spiked in the fashion of woad-stiffened Caledonian zealots. And Thomas spoke to me and asked where…

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Paperwork found on dead ritualists on the outskirts of the Greenwood, 1110

James, You are doing the right thing – the Harts, the nobles and court of Albion have strayed from the path of the Trickster. Too much have they given themselves to the law, to duty and honour. They cleave too firmly to the path of the Alpha and of the Consort, binding the Hunter to…

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