Battle Report by Fiskus Lumpold

Crispin Du’Vie, commander and founder of the Adventurers Charter has stepped down from command of the charter during the Gathering this year. After five fruitful years of running the Adventurers Charter and building the fledgling group into a quasi guild for those of the adventuring community, he decided that it was time to stand down and have another, more driven, individual lead the Charter into a new age. His speech was short, yet to the point… “Time to hand over the helm. I aint gone, just taking a step back. All yours mate!” With these words he handed over to the Warrior Mage Saicra. So welcome Commander Saicra, a stalwart member of the charter these last five years, and Crispin’s right hand man.

No stranger to the dangers of the adventuring life Sai is certainly the right man for the job.

Crispin is now focusing on providing a ‘guild house’ in each of the main cities across Erdreja, where such a network will prove invaluable. Keswick was the first, certainly not the last.


Fiskus Lumpold