Bro-Ro is Go
The Lord Protector of Albion has been declared
by the Royal Council as none other than Brother
Ross Pendragon!
Ever a friend to this publication, we are of
course delighted that such a well-rounded and
upstanding member of the Royal council has
been chosen. Lord Protector Ross Pendragon or
BroRo as we affectionately know him, has risen
through hard work and a firm belief in the
ancestors and now occupies the greatly sought
after position as most eligible bachelor in Albion
and possibly on Erdreja!
Private Matters?
A very private gentlemen, we would love to
know what plans he has for finding a partner
and if there are any baby Pendragons on their
way! Please write in or visit us at the Cream
Tease, enquiringly minds need to know!
And of course, should his excellency need a
hand in finding said partner, His Lordship the
Baron Of Warwick now publicly offers in the
spirit of good will and friendship all the weight
of the Mackintash Collective’s contacts to find
him that special someone through our new
Lonely Harts club*!
*Taking members on to the books now in anticipation of a full
launch next year. Come find the man, woman or being of your
dreams- or at least, for an evening! Apply at The Tease.
Reasonable rates, satisfaction guaranteed!**
**’Satisfaction’ refers to the satisfaction of our directors and
shareholders in draining filthy lucre from the sad, lonely and
smelly. No guarantees for romance or anything else entered into